SkuVault Blog

Tips and tricks to scale your business from the experts in eCommerce

2015 Annual Report Pt. III

Posted by Aaron Mikel on Dec 15, 2015


Welcome to part three of our third annual SkuVault Feature Report: 2015 edition! We'd like to thank all of our amazing developers for putting out so many great features this year; keep up the great work, everyone!

We've decided to categorize this year's new features based on how our clients utilize SkuVault. Part three contains new features related to APIs, Sales, and Reports, among others.


  • Sales: Added new sale history report.
  • Sales Import: Remember selection dropdown option when reopening the page.
  • View Sales: Added ability select multiple sales to bulk update sale status.


  • API: Added API for getting brands, suppliers and classifications.
  • API: Added method to get API tokens by user name and password.
  • API: Added method to get inventory for location.
  • API: Added method to get POs.
  • API: Added methods to create products and kits.
  • API: Added receive PO items call.
  • API: Added API to update product.
  • API: Implemented throttling limits as preventative system measures.


  • Catalogue: Added the ability to easily create Multipacks through the interface.


  • Added Alternate SKUs.


  • Replenishment Report: added Just In Time order method
  • Replenishment Report now combines the reorder point and the forecast report with more functionality
  • Sales Reports: New beta version of the sales reports.


  • Channels Quantity Sync: Added buffers to help prevent oversells.
  • Added Quantity Buffers on SKU level.


  • Delete: Added support to delete classifications, attributes, brands, suppliers and transaction reasons.
  • Delete: Added ability to delete products and kits.


  • Location export: Added ability to include product cost and price in the exported file.

More new features in 2015

Part one: Interface and Transactions, Currency, Purchasing, Receiving and more.

Part two: Products, Kits & Alternates, Printing, Pick Lists, and more.

Part four: 

 Choxi, Jet, ChannelAdvisor, and more.

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Topics: SkuVault