SkuVault Blog

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ASD Market Week Fall 2015: Marketplace Networking in Sin City

Posted by Aaron Mikel on Aug 17, 2015



ASD Fall just wrapped up in Las Vegas, NV, and this was our 2nd time exhibiting – we had a blast, and we can definitely say we’ll be attending next year as well.

What is ASD Market Week Fall?

ASD MARKETWeek Fall trade show creates a diverse marketplace that invites every distribution channel and retail market to exhibit their product/service under one extremely large roof. Our service, SkuVault, is geared primarily toward eCommerce merchants, so for us it’s a great opportunity to connect with current and prospective clients at all production stages and ranking levels in the retail chain.



Since we were there to meet with clients and partners, we spent a good portion of our of time doing just that. We had good conversations with our partners at SureDone, and played catch the candy with the good people at Ecomitize (thanks for the candy guys!).

We had the opportunity to meet up with some of our current clients including the folks from Dreamway Trading (good to see you again Jeff, and meet some new faces from the company!). We also met with Mike from FlasheSales, some of the Altatac Team, and a few other companies.

The conference isn’t just for reconnecting with partners and clients, however. It’s a great networking opportunity to meet new people and businesses from all over the world. We spoke to people who sold gifts, flashy products, signs, plush toys, clothing, purses, and so much more. It’s always great for us to get to hear about other people’s businesses and how they got their start. The ASD MARKETWeek Trade show is a great place to say hello to old friends, and meet some new faces as well.

The City and the Venue

How can you go wrong with a convention in Las Vegas? There are plenty of fun things to do after the show, and any kind of food you can possibly imagine. The buffet at Caesars is one of our personal favorite dining spots. We went there as a group with the IMA folks. We wined. We dined. We conversed. We enjoyed ourselves immensely. We just had to remind ourselves not to have too much fun so we’d be able to see all of the booths each day at the convention!

The trade show itself encompasses a majority of the Las Vegas Convention Center. We didn’t even need to rent a vehicle because we were able to take the monorail from our hotel to the convention center every morning. The sheer volume of the convention center is impressive in and of itself. And while it may seem overwhelming at times, the layout of the trade show made it easy to navigate. They kept similar vendors in relatively close proximity to one another. They even designed an app that allowed you to navigate the convention from your phone.


ASD is one of our favorite trade shows. We get to see old friends, make new contacts, see what’s “up and coming” in sales, and please our palettes with delicious food. Needless to say, you can expect SkuVault to be a regular attendee of the ASD MarketWeek Tradeshow for years to come.


Topics: Conferences, eCommerce, SkuVault