SkuVault Blog

Tips and tricks to scale your business from the experts in eCommerce

Catalyst EU 2015

Posted by Danny Shaw on Apr 28, 2015


Catalyst EU just wrapped up in London, UK – we had a blast, and we can definitely say we’ll be sponsoring again!

What is Catalyst EU?

Catalyst EU is an annual conference held in London put on by our integration partner ChannelAdvisor, geared toward improving eCommerce retailers’ bottom lines. Our product, SkuVault, is geared primarily toward eCommerce merchants and we integrate with ChannelAdvisor, so for us it’s a great opportunity to meet up with current and prospective clients!

Why is Catalyst EU so Exciting?

This year’s Catalyst EU conference was full of new ideas for cross-border trade and sales channels. It was great to hear Scot Wingo discuss what’s new in eCommerce and how well eBay is growing in Europe!


We got to connect with current clients who expressed how much easier their business is to run with SkuVault in place. Many attendees said that they can see SkuVault helping them grow more efficiently, eliminating challenges and pain points they're facing, and would face in the future. The SkuVault phone stands were a hit, and I think everyone left the conference with some new swag for their desk. As always we enjoyed InterCultural Elements' waffle treats!

Why We'll Be Going Back Next Year:

We made some new friends, ate great food, had a great show, and got to see a few sites - Westminster Abbey, the House of Parliament, the British Museum.  I think it is safe to say that we will be making another trip across the pond next year!

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Topics: Conferences, SkuVault