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Continental Global Service Ltd. Decreased Mis-Ships by 15%

Posted by Avery Walts on Apr 19, 2017
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Continental Global Service LImited Profile

Based in Hong Kong, China, Continental Global Service Limited provides logistics services to online sellers with branch offices and warehouses spread across the globe. Starting out as an online seller with eBay Hong Kong in 2006, the company gained insight on other seller’s needs and challenges.

Solution Partners: AmazoneBay, ChannelAdvisor 

Market: International

Industry: eCommerce



Disorganized warehouse layout, inefficient fulfillment and shipping process

Continental Global Service Limited began in 2009 with one goal in mind: provide efficient logistics services specifically targeted to online sellers. What started out as an eBay Hong Kong business in 2006 has blossomed into global branches and warehouses offering overseas warehouse storage and fulfillment, and client logistic services and solutions. However, Solution Strategist Nathan Cheung told us it wasn’t smooth sailing at first. The group suffered from a disorganized warehouse layout, including hand-written labels with no barcode capabilities, a poor warehouse layout leading to misplaced items, and out of stocks due to manual inventory checks.

“Fulfilling orders was difficult because we did not have an automated system to keep track of inventory,” Nathan said.”We we were relying on our Excel inventory list to to keep track of our counts. As a result, it took a very long time to complete all orders for the day.” Additionally, Continental Global Service Limited suffered from human error during their picking and shipping processes with no trace of their mistakes.  



All-in-one WMS to accommodate growth

As the company continued to grow, a simple spreadsheet wasn’t cutting it. Orders and SKUs piled up causing mis-shipments to occur from workers. SkuVault’s user friendly system and customizable features offered Nathan an all-in-one warehouse management system solution. With the inventory management and cycle counting features, the logistics company can easily notify clients when their items are out-of-stock and keep track of their inventory. “The best SkuVault feature is simply the QC on pick feature because we believe time is precious for us and our clients orders,” he said. “We require this feature so that our warehouse workers can make sure they are accurately picking the right item and proceeding to QC with no error nor delay.”



Decreased mis-shipments by 15% & overall increased efficiency

Since implementing our inventory system, Nathan said their picking, packing, and shipping processes have been streamlined creating overall increased efficiency. Their rate of mis-shipments decreased from 20% to 5%. Utilizing features like the replenishment report feature offered better communication and support to clients which gave the company more confidence to provide the best logistics possible. With the help of SkuVault, Nathan said the company hopes to continue to expand across the world and increase their market presence. “SkuVault is a great investment to our company. It is truly a wonderful warehouse management system.”


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Topics: Case Studies