SkuVault Blog

Tips and tricks to scale your business from the experts in eCommerce

Get The Correct SkuVault Training You Need Before Peak Season

Posted by Sarah Thomas on Sep 20, 2018

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Peak Season is quickly approaching. While the holidays bring in additional business and excitement, the increase in sales can also generate a rise in stress.

Did you know that SkuVault offers coaching packages to get you better prepared for the holiday madness?

Let us dive in and look at your current processes to see if there are any adjustments that would allow SkuVault to lessen some of that burden. It’s a good idea to get another set of eyes on your business workflows, from ordering, to organizing, to picking methods.

We understand there are many tasks on our customers to-do lists to get set up for the influx of orders. Let us give you a hand to see if we can lessen your amount of worry and get the holiday season set up for success right out of the gate. With our coaching packages, we can train you on our advanced reporting, how to best set up your warehouse locations for cost-effective order routing, and any other areas you want to expand on. We are your partner in this, and we want you to succeed!

SkuVault coaching packages 

There are several coaching packages that are currently available, ranging from phone calls and screen shares to in-person on-site training.

If you are not a SkuVault customer yet, we have similar training during your on-boarding period as well.

You get to choose what level of involvement you need from our Support Staff.

  • If your team is proficient in Excel and has basic knowledge of importing and exporting data and would need just the basic instructions, our Assisted package would be a great fit for on-boarding.
  • If a more hands on approach would be more helpful, we have a wide range of Managed on-boarding options that would provide more dedicated training such as phone/video training from pre-launch through 90 days after launch
  • Our Silver, Gold, and Platinum level on-boarding packages offer extremely in-depth set up, in-person training, step by step instructions, and a dedicated team for your account.

Image of a succesful casual business woman using laptop during meeting

Are you utilizing the Advanced Reporting options that SkuVault offers?

For example, the Replenishment Report can give you a fast glimpse of which products are selling well and could be ready for reorder. This will alleviate the problem of selling out of a hot performing product. You’ll be able to see when its running low and how many days are left on hand. With SkuVault, you’ll be able to make smart and fast decisions when it comes to purchasing.



Are you an Amazon FBA seller like 32% of SkuVault clients are?

We have an awesome feature tied into our Replenishment Report that speeds up the re-order process with Amazon. Our software communicates directly with Seller Central to transfer information back and forth through API. We know how important it is to stay on top of re-orders and not run out of your products on Amazon, but it can take a lot of time to prepare those shipments.

When you push the ‘Create FBA Shipment” button in the Replenishment Report, SkuVault sends the calculated number of quantities to refill to Amazon. At this point, Amazon will create a transfer sale and will send back the data needed to create a shipment. SkuVault will then create a pick list for each transfer sale for the FBA warehouse(s) Amazon selected. Then, all that is left to do is pick, pack, and ship the products to Amazon.


Is your warehouse laid out in the most efficient way for your operations?

Keeping your warehouse neatly organized with convenient locations will promote a quicker picking path for your warehouse workers. Similarly, utilizing different picking methods at different times of the day could also speed up the pick and pack process of your operations as well. You can change up your picking methods based on shipping carrier pick up times or specific marketplace requirements.

Whatever your specific needs are, from long-time customer that needs a little refresher or instruction on newer features, to a brand-new customer just beginning the launch process, our team has your back! Reach out today, call customer service or email to get a jump start on your Peak Season training.

For even more ways to get ready for Peak Season, you can check out our Peak Season Calendar! It is full of helpful information from SkuVault and our trusted partners.

Download Your Calendar


Topics: Peak Season