SkuVault Blog

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It's Almost Time for SkuVault's Annual Code Freeze. What Does That Mean?

Posted by Sarah Thomas on Nov 1, 2018

codefreezeblogpicEach year around this time, SkuVault announces a code freeze. This post will answer the most common questions we receive regarding this:

  • When is the code freeze?
  • What is a code freeze?
  • Why does SkuVault have a code freeze?
  • How does the code freeze affect SkuVault users?

First things first, the upcoming code freeze is November 16 - December 24.

But, what exactly IS a code freeze?

A code freeze is a period of time in which a software development team either stops releasing updates entirely or places restrictions on what can be released. At SkuVault, we plan our code freeze around the holiday season between Thanksgiving and Christmas. This is typically the busiest time for most of our clients. We limit all software update releases to only critical fixes and optimizations during this time.

Why does SkuVault have a code freeze?

A code freeze is important to have, especially during Peak Season for our clients. Our system will be used more during this period than any other time of year - more products, more transactions, more orders. We always want to be sure to have a stable system, but during this period specifically. This freeze will help us ensure that we don't disrupt the daily workflows of our clients. 

So, now onto the biggest question from SkuVault clients regarding this freeze. How will this affect me?

How does a code freeze affect SkuVault users?

The good news is, it should be business as usual for anyone using our software during this code freeze. No new changes or upgrades will happen within the application. We will not introduce any changes on our end, unless an unforeseen critical update is needed. What does that mean for you?

You will be able to use SkuVault as you normally would! Add new SKUs, order more products, receive new items, cycle count, pick, and ship as usual! 

Don't worry! Our development team will remain hard at work to ensure the SkuVault application is running as smoothly as you've come to expect and trust. They will also continue working on upgrades and new functionality during this time and will start to release these exciting changes once the freeze is over in December. 

Topics: news, peak