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SkuVault Raises $2,260 to Fight Cancer

Posted by Gabrielle Green on Oct 6, 2016
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light-the-nightOn Saturday, October 1st, SkuVault proudly participated in the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) Light The Night Walk at Louisville Slugger Field. Light the Night is a fundraising campaign benefiting LLS and their commitment to raise awareness and conduct research towards finding a cure for blood cancer.

Several of our team members have family members battling cancer, so in an act of solidarity, SkuVault employees came together and formed Team SkuVaulters. The event was a great opportunity to do our part in the battle against this deadly disease. Thanks to our efforts, we were able to raise more than $1,100 dollars. Our CEO, Andy Eastes, matched our contribution, for a whopping total of over $2,260! We celebrated by letting our biggest donors pie their managers in the face!

Why We Walk

Nate's Story

I was drawn to this event because I've personally witnessed numerous loved ones battle cancer too many times for me to see this horrible disease continue to take lives.  

My Father

My father was admitted to the hospital for stroke-like symptoms the day before my parent's 52nd wedding anniversary. Little did we know, he would receive a diagnosis of stage 3 lung cancer on their wedding anniversary the next day.

My father, being a man of strength and courage, took this news like no other. He remained calm and protective of his family. After the celebration of their anniversary, I had a conversation with him that I will never forget. He said that there are things that we can fight, and there are things we have no control over. However, we can continue to focus on being positive and working with individuals that have the answers we need to go on. I understood his words.

I began researching oncologists in the region to seek their advice. Eventually, we found three oncologists that worked together very well, and we had a plan to eliminate the cancer, which was contained to a single lobe in one lung. The oncologists were able to remove the lobe that contained the cancer, leaving my father cancer-free.

The treatment didn't come from one oncologist but, several. They understood the issues and devised a plan of action that granted my father continued life. My father lived cancer-free for another 2.5 years until he had a massive heart attack that claimed his life and left all of us empty. But the main message I took from the experience is that research pays!

That's why I became so engulfed with the Light the Night Walk; it hit HOME!


The program is especially close to my heart as my husband was diagnosed with CLL just under 2 years ago. He was lucky enough to be included in a medical trial at The James at The Ohio State University. The research and treatment he has received has been in large part to this wonderful organization. During his time dealing with his disease, he has had contact with people from the LLS teams that have helped him with medical paperwork, finding the resources he needed, and assisting with rides, or information.


At SkuVault, we believe it's important for business owners and employees to give back to their community. By participating in the Light the Night Walk, we had an opportunity to witness the caring nature of our CEO and fellow team members. In addition to raising money to fight cancer, the walk gave us the chance to connect with our team members outside of work. 


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