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Warehouse Management System Buyers Want Barcode Management

Posted by Dominique Robinson on Feb 15, 2018


Trying to find a business that manages a successful inventory system without some form of barcoding is a near impossible task.  You can minimize error, save on payroll, and improve your ordering by utilizing a barcode system. Aside from affordability and increased efficiency, there are many benefits to adopting a barcode inventory system.

Throughout this article we will uncover how barcoding is able to transform the disarray and chaos of a warehouse, and turn it into a well-oiled machine fit to tackle any inventory discrepancies you may be facing.You will learn:

  • what barcoding is
  • the difference between inventory systems that use barcoding and those that don’t
  • and where to start if you are a business who currently operates without a barcoding system


What Are Barcodes

A barcode is a machine-readable code in the form of numbers and patterns of parallel lines of varying widths printed onto a product for identification. A barcode symbol typically consists of five parts:

  1. A quiet zone
  2. A start character
  3. Data characters (including an optional check character)
  4. A stop character
  5. Another quiet zone


All of these symbols are what makes each barcode, and subsequently each product, unique in an inventory environment.

A barcode reader is required in order to read the code. The reader uses a laser beam that is able to sense the reflections from the lines as well as the space thickness and reformat that pattern into a number in a digital format.

Inventory systems, POS systems, etc. use this digital format to transfer information about that product to various locations where users can make smart decisions about their product and business based on the data that is collected.

Barcode Types

One thing to keep in mind about barcodes is that there are many different types, and they serve vastly different purposes. These purposes differ for various reasons. Some are different simply because of the country and its usage, while others differ because of functionality. Generally speaking, there are approximately 15 different types of barcodes.

However, barcodes are entirely customizable and can be adopted for unique use cases depending on what inventory management system you use, and your specific tracking needs.

For example, here at SkuVault, we recommend that our clients create barcodes for their locations within their warehouse and product SKUs (both are customizable barcodes) in conjunction with UPC codes. Both are great for optimal tracking. By using these forms of barcodes, pickers and other users are able to find, track, and ship items with ease.

SkuVault uses Code 128 encoding, making our barcodes readable by most scanners including the CT10.


[Discover how to start generating your own SKUs]


Inventory System With Barcode vs. Inventory System Without Barcode

Managing inventory is a key component to the overall growth of any company. Those who manage inventory are responsible for keeping up with inventory levels, out of stocks, product locations, tracking, receiving, shipping, and more. These responsibilities are vital, and mistakes made in these areas can be costly. Mismanagement of inventory can lead to lower sales, decreased market share, increased inventory cost, and loss of rapport with customers.

Understand that human error is inevitable, but by adopting a barcode inventory management system errors decrease dramatically. Barcode inventory systems are a more reliable and efficient method to inventory management. By alleviating many of the manual processes, barcoding systems allow managers to perform their duties in a more convenient and efficient manner. Thus resulting in increased accuracy and faster processing.

Companies use barcoding because:

  • It’s simple
  • It’s cost effective
  • The technology is easily available
  • Barcodes eliminate error
  • Barcodes provide security
  • Inventory tracking with barcodes saves time

Without a barcode inventory system, the workload and number of tasks become an unnecessary burden on inventory managers. Without barcoding, managers have to manually write down important figures and information about products.

Every stroke of the pen and button pressed on the keyboard opens up room for human error, and if not caught immediately, chances are the mistake will go unnoticed until it results in a problem. Using outdated methods and software like Excel, along with pen and pad methods, are simply unreliable.  

Benefits of Using A Barcode Inventory System

No matter the business you’re in, you most likely have inventory that has to be managed. Whether you have items for sale, raw materials, finished products, tools, parts supplies, etc., a barcode inventory system comes with lucrative benefits.

These benefits can be seen in the following:

  • You know what you have and where it is.
  • Ability to receive, put away, move and ship out (to internal or external users) all the items you have in inventory.
  • You have pertinent, up-to-date reports about stock levels, usage, and reorder times for all the items in inventory.
  • Easy to enter data into, and get data out of.
  • It makes cycle-counts easy and efficient. It will export data easily to your accounting or other back-end system.


[Learn what the top sellers look for in inventory management software]


Where to Start

Many companies who don't use barcodes for their inventory are slow to adopt new systems because they fall victim to a sort of “logistics paralysis.” When they think of the actuality of implementing a new system, doubt begins to arise. Implementing a new system can be tedious and takes time. Managers find it simpler to put off implementation until some arbitrary date, or in many cases, they just don’t know where to start.

        _Barcode systems generally pay for themselves within 6-18 months._


Start With a List

Like the old saying goes, “There is no time like the present.” Regardless of where you are with inventory, swiftly and aggressively implementing a solution is best.

Managers should start by making a master list of everything that might be in their warehouse or stockroom. This list should include item numbers, unit of measure, and descriptions at a minimum. You may also include:

  • Purchase cost
  • Vendor information
  • Minimum inventory amount
  • Other pertinent information associated with all items.


Aggregating this information will ensure that you will have all the essentials for importing product information into any inventory management system you choose. SkuVault Warehouse Management System makes this process especially simple with our easy import feature. If you don't have a master list of products with this information, simply ask your suppliers for the information. This will decrease the amount of time spent pulling the initial information together.  

Putting Barcodes on Inventory

Many items purchased already come with barcodes attached. If the barcodes already exist congratulations, you have already saved a great deal of time.

All you have to do is insure the barcodes match the item numbers on your master list. If you have products that don't have barcodes already, your next step is to purchase a barcode printer.

Even if your products do come with barcodes, you may want to purchase a barcode printer so you can establish product locations within your warehouse or stockroom. You may even find it useful to relabel items if need be. You can get started with a barcode font (an IDAutomation software). Barcode font gives you an inexpensive and flexible way to print high resolution labels quickly.


After you have labeled products, designated locations, and imported product info into your new inventory management software, you have successfully taken your first steps in implementing a new inventory system.

These steps are going to take some time, but the good news is that the hardest part is behind you. Now you can take ease in knowing that you have eliminated most of the inaccuracies in your warehouse and can expect to see ROI as a result in saving from mis-ships, out of stocks, and human error.

Optimize Your Supply Chain with SkuVault WMS. Request a demo.  

Topics: efficient warehouses, warehouse management