SkuVault Blog

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2015 Annual Report Pt. I

Posted by Aaron Mikel on Dec 14, 2015

annualreportlogo_2015Welcome to part one of our third annual SkuVault Feature Report: 2015 edition! We'd like to thank all of our amazing developers for putting out so many great features this year; keep up the great work, everyone!

We've decided to categorize this year's new features based on how our clients utilize SkuVault. Part one contains new features related to our Interface and Transactions ( add / remove / pick items ), Currency, Purchasing & Receiving, among others.


  • Dashboard: Added FBA quantity chart.


  • Audit Search: Fixed issue with duplicate results when sorting by code.

Release Notes

  • Release Notes: Now accessible within application on every page. When new release notes are available you will be notified without the need to log out.

Transactions ( Add / Remove / Pick Items )

  • Auto-Remove: Added warehouse priority setting to remove by quantity in location from warehouses sorted alphabetically by name.
  • Inventory Pages: Added the ability to add a note for each transaction(s).


  • Currency Symbol: You can now set the currency symbol for the currency shown
  • Currency Conversion: Added the ability to specify a currency for every channel (except LightSpeed) and we can convert that to your SkuVault Processing Currency.

Purchase Orders & Receiving

  • PO Receiving: Added setting to disable receiving 3PL quantity to location.
  • PO List: Added filter by supplier.
  • PO Receiving: Added ability to edit received quantity.
  • PO Details: Added tables that show several totals for that PO, including: Total Ordered Cost, Total Received Cost, Total Ordered Quantity, Total Received Quantity, and a few others.

More new features in 2015:

Part two: Products, Kits & Alternates, Printing, and Pick Lists.

Part three: APIs, Sales, and Reports.

Part four: Choxi, ChannelAdvisor, ShipStation, and more.

Optimize Your Supply Chain with SkuVault WMS. Request a demo.  

Topics: SkuVault