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25 Tips to Optimize Your Online Product Listings

Posted by Emilie Fritsch on Jul 21, 2014


Getting a good position for your listings is crucial to building your sales. Pursuing all the best practices when you list will help your items be seen by the most interested buyers.

  • 1. Rich Product Description
    Online consumers are much more tech savvy and detail oriented than your average consumer. If a consumer is not given an accurate and detailed description of what they're purchasing, they'll be much less likely to buy it.
  • 2. Avoid Misspellings and Other Pitfalls
    You need to maintain professionalism, a key repeat buying factor for online shoppers. This means correct spelling and descriptive headlines.
  • 3. Don’t Oversell
    Avoid being tempted to employ dubious tricks that draw attention to your listings or use sales fluff. Buyers are more often persuaded by clear, concrete details than wordy sales pitches.
  • 4. Anticipate Questions
    A strategy you can use in your listings is to put yourself in the buyer’s shoes and ask yourself questions about the product and the transaction processing. This simple gesture could potentially put a good face on your business.
  • 5. Make It Visual
    Providing multiple images for one product, showing different features and angles will only ever benefit your shoppers when it comes to making a decision on whether or not to buy.
  • 6. Clearly Display Prices and Shipping
    Speaking of unexpected surprises, nobody likes is the feeling deceived by prices or shipping costs. It’s important to be as clear as possible in your pricing.
  • 7. Employ Good Principles of Design
    Images are much more likely to be persuasive when accompanied by great design practices within your listings. Consider a partner who can do the design work for you and can offer rich, attractive templates.
  • 8. Take Care with Titles
    Include the most important keywords or keyword phrases in your listing title. Use all of your available characters wisely. Remember, users don't search for words such as "wow" or "look."
  • 9. Naming Store Categories
    Always select the best keywords when naming your store categories and sub-categories.
  • 10. Play the Word Game
    It's a good idea to include the item brand name and Manufacturer's Part Number (MPN). Also include unique identifiers such as like Universal Product Codes (UPCs), European Article Numbers (EANs), or International Standard Book Numbers (ISBNs) in your listings.
  • 11. Custom Store Pages
    Take advantage of using the available custom store pages in your online store in order to display your store policies and showcase items that you sell.
  • 12. Show Wares, but Keep It Uncluttered
    Many online sellers actually end up losing customers via their product listings after cramping them with numerous additional offers and links to related products.
  • 13. Address Pain Points
    Include certain policies or features, like free shipping or a return policy. That’s a great way of addressing possible objections someone might have about buying from you before they even think to raise them.
  • 14. Make It Easy to Call You
    An effective way to help increase your credibility with shoppers is to display your phone number in a convenient manner, preferably right in the site header.
  • 15. Homepage Promo
    Display a promotional offer on your homepage. Everybody loves a deal, and when you offer a percentage off certain items or discounted shipping, a new customer is more likely to give you a try.
  • 16. About Us Page
    One way to set your store apart from the literally millions of sellers online is to tell your unique story.
  • 17. Trustmark’s
    A site looking credible and trustworthy is an important factor in buyer’s decision to purchase. One easy way to improve your credibility is by borrowing some from trusted organizations.
  • 18. Reviews and Testimonials
    Buyers are looking for reviews of products on online stores or forums before making a purchase. This means that if your site has no such reviews, you are missing a very large percentage of the audience
  • 19. Store Newsletter
    Create a Newsletter for new subscribers to your store newsletter and also create a second Newsletter for your current customers to encourage repeat sales.
  • 20. XML/RSS Feed
    Turn on your XML/RSS feed. Also, make your listings available to Search Engines and Shopping Comparison Sites.
  • 21. Update Your Keywords
    Change and update Search Engine Keywords of your online store. It is ideal to refresh these keywords every 2 to 3 months.
  • 22. The Amazon Selling Coach
    All Amazon pro-merchant sellers are given access to the Amazon Selling Coach. Sellers are given tips on how to best maximize their performance.
  • 23. Use Listing Software
    Using listing and auction management software can speed up the process of listing items and managing auctions.
  • 24. Go the Extra Mile
    Getting the basics right when it comes to online listing optimization can work wonders for your conversion rates.
  • 25. Track Your Performance
    Once you have optimized your online listings, it is important to constantly track your performance and make improvements.

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Topics: eCommerce, Inventory Tips and Tricks, Marketplaces