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Amazon Mexico Launches Internationally

Posted by Gabrielle Green on Jul 1, 2015
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amazon mexicoAmazon announced its biggest ever international launch today with Amazon Mexico., the Spanish-language website is a physical goods store that offers millions of items for customers in Mexico. The types of items available on Amazon Mexico include electronics, video games, health and personal care items, and movies and TV series, to name a few.

Amazon Mexico Opens to eCommerce Sellers 

“Our mission at Amazon is to be Earth's most customer-centric company, and we strive to be the destination where people can find anything they want to buy online. With, customers in Mexico will find more of what they want – the largest selection in the country, low prices, fast and reliable delivery, all with a trusted and convenient experience.” Alexandre Gagnon, Director, International Expansion, Amazon, said.

Sellers from all over the world will be able to offer products to Mexico’s 122 million residents through Amazon Mexico. Mexican shoppers will be able to purchase items online or via the Amazon app which can be downloaded on the Apple App Store and Google Play. This opens up a huge new market for international sellers hoping to capitalize on the expansion. Amazon Mexico offers more categories than any other international Amazon website. 

Conversely, this opens up a world of possibility to sellers in Mexico wanting to offer up goods to the 278 million active Amazon customers worldwide. “Sellers can offer their products on Amazon at no cost - there is no product listing fee. Amazon provides all sellers payment processing and credit card fraud protection.” Amazon said in its announcement.

No one can say for sure how quickly Mexico’s growing eCommerce market will warm to the site, but I think it’s safe to say that early-adopting international sellers will have an advantage over competitors who wait to expand.

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Topics: Amazon, Marketplaces