SkuVault Blog

Tips and tricks to scale your business from the experts in eCommerce

The SkuVault Annual Report pt. IV

Posted by Aaron Mikel on Dec 15, 2015



Welcome to part four of our third annual SkuVault Feature Report: 2015 edition! We'd like to thank all of our amazing developers for putting out so many great features this year; keep up the great work, everyone!

We've decided to categorize this year's new features based on how our clients utilize SkuVault. Part four contains new integrations, such as Bigcommerce, Magento, Volusion, eBay, QuickBooks Online, and more.

Channel Sale

  • Added full integration with inventory quantity & orders sync.


  • Added full integration with inventory quantity & orders sync.

Cloud Conversion

  • Added full integration with inventory quantity & orders sync.

 Seller Active

  • Added full integration with inventory quantity & orders sync.


  • Added full integration with inventory quantity & orders sync.


  • Added full integration to sync data between SkuVault and QuickBooks Desktop.


  •  Added full integration to sync sales data between SkuVault and Lokad.


  • Released the BETA support for Amazon Germany.
  • Released the BETA support for Amazon Spain.
  • Can now specify regions from one single SkuVault Amazon account.

Fulfillment by Amazon

  • FBA: Show quantity columns on kit list.
  • FBA: Added support to fetch FBA quantities and show them on Product List.

Lightspeed Integration

  • Added full integration with inventory quantity & orders sync.


  • Added full integration with inventory quantity & orders sync.


  • Added full integration with inventory quantity & orders sync.


  • Ability to print ShipStation labels in SkuVault


  • New ChannelAdvisor Product sync option where only new products will be pulled in and updates to existing products will be ignored.
  • Ability to pull new products or New/Old products from ChannelAdvisor


  • Shopify: Added the ability to pull in the order prefix with the order number.

More new features in 2015:

Part one: Interface and Transactions, Currency, Purchasing & Receiving.

Part two: Products, Kits & Alternates, Printing, and Pick Lists.

Part three: APIs, Sales, and Reports.



Topics: SkuVault