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Boost Your Online Sales Using Facebook

Posted by Emilie Fritsch on Feb 25, 2015


If you think Facebook is just for status updates and vacation photos, you're wrong. It can also be converted into a forum for small businesses to make money by selling their stuff online! Here are some tips that may help garner those online sales using Facebook.

Clear and Professional Branding with Great Photos

Business logos, Facebook page design, and product photography must be as clear, relevant, and engaging as possible in order to improve online sales using Facebook. It pays to get a graphic designer to help you design the page and logo for your brand. Take clear pictures of your products with simple backgrounds and natural lighting. You don’t have to have a fancy camera to start with, just have the right light conditions, a steady hand and the correct setting on your camera. With this combination, and some trial & error, you can achieve brilliant images .

Post at The Correct Time

According to, the best time frames to receive the most click-throughs are Mondays through Thursdays from 1 – 4 p.m. The best specific time is Wednesdays at 3 p.m. ET. Depending on the customer base, optimal posting times may differ among merchants. Facebook’s Insights analytics platform will determine the times that are right for you.

Price it Right

Take a moment to check Amazon and/or eBay for prices of new and used items, and then price it to sell. Yes, you want to make some money off your stuff or you wouldn’t be doing this, but what’s the point in wasting your time if you over price it and no one pays for it?

Offer Exclusive, Unique, and Compelling Fan-First Experiences

One way to encourage purchase activity is to provide products that are available exclusively to fans. This could include limited editions, things you sell only from your Facebook store, or new products that are offered to Facebook fans first before they become available on your eCommerce website. In addition, build anticipation of new products by sharing exclusive insider information with Facebook fans, and offer special fan-only discounts.

Grow Your Email Subscriber Database

In all the social networking hype, the importance of capturing the all-important email is forgotten. Remember the email database is directly under your control and promotions that drive customers to your Facebook store can be sent out when you want, instead of relying on the Facebook's "EdgeRank” to deliver news to your fans.

Make an Effort to Thank and Return "Likes"

Whether your new "liker" is from a business or personal page, always thank them for supporting you and do your best to return the "like" to their business. You never know what you both will get out of that new contact through some simple courtesy.

Post Content That Amuses and Entertains

Attention spans are getting shorter and shorter, and news feeds are getting crowded awfully fast. So don’t limit wall postings to sale announcements. Posting lighthearted content like jokes, or simply posing open-ended questions to your Facebook fans about current events or pop culture ensures you stay on their mental radar.

Respond to Questions and Comments

Whenever a customer asks for help or advice on Facebook, seize the sales opportunity by quickly responding and providing genuinely helpful answers. This creates goodwill and can increase customer loyalty.

Attract New Facebook Fans with Incentives

Make new friend, but keep the old! Bringing new fans on board is how you’ll continue to grow online sales using facebook. Give a one-time promo code, coupon or something like that to anyone who "likes" your page. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how quickly word of such specials spreads to others, and then makes it easy for them to "like" your Facebook page.

Stick to Your Promise!

There are numerous situations where businesses advertise that a new product is “in the making” or “wait till you see it in blue - pic coming soon” and it never happens.  If you have promoted an idea, your customers will be waiting on your exciting sale or new product, don’t let them down and miss out on sales.

Don't underestimate the capacity of Facebook to go far beyond a simple social media playground, and take your business to new levels of popularity and success!

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Topics: eCommerce, Marketing