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Boost Your Online Sales Using Twitter

Posted by Emilie Fritsch on Mar 11, 2015


Twitter is an awesome marketing tool for small and large businesses alike. It allows you to instantly get the word out about your product, service, project, or idea. So, if you're contemplating promoting your business on Twitter, then this post is for you. Here we have some quick tips and ideas on how you can effectively market through this great social medium, receive new leads and customers, and followers for your products!

Offer Exclusive Benefits

Establish a Twitter account offering special previews, discounts, and deals. It will need to be a regular occurrence without bombarding followers. You want time for anticipation to build. Dell set up one account that only posts special offers, the Dell Outlet Twitter channel, and another for customer comments and questions. Running two accounts may not be the best idea for a Twitter newbie or a small retailer, but the response you get to the offers will quickly identify whose interested.

Utilize Twitter Lists Properly

Lists are one of the most underutilized and misunderstood features of Twitter. The Lists allow you to create specialized categories and focus on a specific set of followers with a particular set of interests. Add your competitor’s followers. Join other Lists that are relevant to you. This will isolate relevant users and help you analyze their activities. Actively engage to effectively increase your online sales using Twitter, acquire new followers, and bring about brand awareness.

Create a Sense of Urgency

As I mentioned above, you want to build some anticipation. Providing an incentive via limited time discounts or flash sales will absolutely create a sense of urgency and desire for your product. For example; Musician & author, Amanda Palmer, offered only 100 limited edition packages of her new book, The Art of Asking, with a signed manuscript page. She posted countdowns of the remaining amount as it dwindled. They sold out in 20 minutes.

Find Your Niche

This rule is crucial for beginners. At first Twitter can be like going to a party where you don't know anyone. You'll need to do a little research to find out who's there and what they're talking about. That way you can find where you fit in and where you'll be most relevant. This is a surefire way to boost those online sales using Twitter, and to create long standing relationships with customers.

Don't Just "Feed" Them

If you have your website linked with Twitter to automatically read and send out your feed on product, thats great! But don't leave it at that. Remember, Twitter is not a bulletin board. You need to be active in the conversation and engage your followers.

Good Timing

Social Media brings awareness to so many things instantly, but how long it lasts is just as fleeting. Tweeting during the highest visibility hours is more likely to harvest an immediate response from followers. Studies have shown that the highest user traffic times are Saturdays and Sundays at 9 a.m., noon, 3 p.m., and 6 p.m. Keep your most compelling and high value tweets for these hours.

Social Sharing Buttons

This is a simple and effective way to advance your online sales using Twitter and to extend the conversation about your products beyond your website. Twitter offers four options: Share, Follow, Hashtag, and Mention. The “Share” option is what we want to focus on. Setting it up is easy. You can learn how here. Then, all you need to do is utilize it to the max.


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Topics: eCommerce, Marketing