SkuVault Blog

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Catalyst Americas 2015: SkuVault and Stormtroopers

Posted by Emilie Fritsch on Apr 8, 2015

catalyst las vegas

Catalyst Americas just wrapped up in Las Vegas, NV, and this is our 3rd time sponsoring – we had a blast, and we can definitely say we’ll be sponsoring again!

What is Catalyst Americas?

Catalyst Americas is an annual conference put on by our integration partner ChannelAdvisor, geared toward improving eCommerce retailers’ bottom lines. Our product, SkuVault, is geared primarily toward eCommerce merchants and we integrate with ChannelAdvisor, so for us it’s a great opportunity to meet up with current and prospective clients!


Why is Catalyst Americas so Exciting?

Vegas is one of our favorite places to visit. We have a goal of doing something different on each visit to Vegas. We have been there so many times that we like to challenge ourselves to keep the city fresh and exciting on each trip. This trip the conference itself provided several opportunities for new experiences. The party at Drai’s nightclub that was sponsored by NewEgg was fantastic! The view was spectacular, the weather could not have been better, and who doesn’t need to see a person in a plastic bubble, floating in the pool, entertaining the crowd?

This was our first time on the vendor side of the table for a conference, having always been an attendee in the form of a client. This side of the table was exhausting, down time is limited, and we enjoyed every minute of it! We met so many of our clients at this conference, some of whom we’ve never had the chance to speak to, and many that we have communicated with or have an ongoing line of communication with. It was a pleasure to finally meet the crew from Chrome Battery! We have communicated with them often, but never had the opportunity to meet Dale, Brittney, or Deanna before this conference.

From our Creative Director (the short Stormtrooper): Since this was my first conference, I got the opportunity to finally meet with several long-time partners and clients in person - the folks at ChannelAdvisor, ShipStation, ShipWorks, InterCultural Elements, Chrome Battery, and so many more - which was a blast! I also got to meet up with a few new partners, such as Refund Retriever; really refreshing to be able to talk face-to-face, and not over a conference line.


Hands down, the highlight of the conference had to be the Stormtroopers at the SkuVault booth. People came from near and far to greet them and have a picture taken with them. It was awesome seeing everyone’s inner geek come out! Even Scot Wingo got in on the Stormtrooper action! Their presence kept the mood light and fun, and encouraged folks to come in that might not otherwise have done so.

The Aria is an absolutely beautiful hotel, and the set up for the conference was wonderful (as always). ChannelAdvisor crew does a great job of keeping people informed about where to go in the city during conference time. The venue is always well branded, and this conference was no exception. Signs all over, and welcome information on many turns. Never a dull moment!

I spent time with Hazel from Vitaminmom, Yoni from Active Craze, Jim & Ryan from All Industrial, as well as Rodrigo from Goja. I got to meet the good people of Brent Industries, the whole crew of Shively Sporting Goods, Lori of Plant Therapy, Ed from Ed’s Fly Shop, crews from Amaranth, CiboWares, Bling Jewelry, Tony Perotti, any many other companies. The week was fast-paced, and we spent a lot of time telling people about our software that didn’t even know what we did! Working to get them off of those spreadsheets, or set up their new company. Always a rewarding experience.

I didn’t have the opportunity to attend many of the talks, but I did get to hear Scot Wingo speak. It never gets old listening to his keynotes, and talks. Scot has to be one of the most insightful people in eCommerce today, and has been for many years. I heard him speak for the first time in the mid 2000’s at a conference, his vision and the information he provides never disappoints.

From our sales team: Vegas is a great city to hold any type of conference. There is always something fun to do after hours. Whether you want to win some money on a hand of cards, or go catch a Skrillex concert like I did my last night in town. No matter what interests, there is always something to keep you occupied in Vegas!

Did I mention the Stormtroopers?

Why We'll Be Going Back Next Year:

The 2015 Catalyst Conference may be over, but in addition to the wonderful experiences mentioned above, the opportunity it provides us with is always on-going. Thanks so much for another great conference!

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Topics: Conferences, SkuVault