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What Happens During a SkuVault Client Visit

Posted by Avery Walts on Oct 25, 2018
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onsite warehouse

Did you know our client service team can visit your business on-site for hands-on help?

Our On-boarding Specialists are dedicated to helping you set up SkuVault successfully, however, sometimes training over the phone can be forgotten when it comes time to actually implement the system. We know this can be a struggle for some of our customers, so we offer the option to sign up for a package that includes an on-site visit.

On-site visits are a unique opportunity to have a SkuVault specialist all to yourself. Pick our brains on new storage possibilities, or work with us to come up with more efficient pick routes. We will come to your facility and help you set up our software from the start.

How does a client request an on-site visit?

Clients can choose a training package that includes the on-site visit, or they can request an a la carte visit via ticket request. They can also ask their On-boarding Specialist, or request a retraining package if the age of the account qualifies.

If the client has been with us for many years, or have a high number of users, they may be eligible for a wellness visit with one of our account managers.

Our pricing page lists training packages in more detail.

Does an on-site cost clients anything additionally?

If the client opts for an on-site package, it is included in their on-boarding fees. If they go for an a la carte visit, there will be an additional cost. If they are visited by an account manager, there is no cost associated.

What happens during an on-site visit?

On-site visit experiences depend on the type of visit and the type of account. Overall, the client can tailor this experience to their needs and what they feel is most important. We are available for up to seven hours each day of the visit. We typically send the client an itinerary for their implementation so they have an idea of what to expect while we’re there.

Silver Accounts

Silver accounts get a three day implementation visit.

    • Day 1 is typically a practice day where we put into physical practice the picking and quality control workflow that has been covered during remote training.
    • Day 2 is when we enable the client’s syncs (now considered “live.”) Our trainers are available for them throughout the day to make sure things go smoothly.
    • Day 3 is where we cover the processes from the day before, make tweaks if necessary, and if time allows, cover PO creation/ receipt, or reports with their staff.

Gold Accounts

Gold accounts get a one day observation visit then we come back for a three day implementation visit.

During the 1 day observation, we will walk through the warehouse and observe the client’s current practices to maximize the training package. Typically, we will take pictures and try to understand their greatest pain points. We might demo some of our features to the clients to give them an idea of where SkuVault can help them improve.

Platinum and Diamond Accounts

Platinum and Diamond accounts get a two day observation visit, a three day implementation visit, and a three day follow up/training visit.

The observation and implementation visits stay consistent with what’s described for the other plans, however we go back for another three day visit later whenever the client is ready. This visit may be to implement what we refer to as “Phase 2” of a launch, or simply train/ retrain employees.

Some of our clients are interested in breaking their launches down into multiple phases, for example implementing their ecommerce operations might be phase one, then their wholesale operations as phase two.

Not all clients have a phase system, some are more interested in retraining or optimizing processes from the last visit. Most of the time, if clients opt for this type of package, they have an idea in mind on what they would like to cover during the final visit.

We can be flexible with the Platinum and Diamond clients if they would like to combine their visit days for one/two long visits instead of three visits. It depends on the type of visit and the type of account. I’ve described the typical (and recommended) process below, but the client can tailor this experience to their needs and what they feel is most important. Each day we are available for up to 7 hours. The typical practice is to send the client an itinerary for their implementation so they have an idea of what to expect while we’re there.

Who is allowed to attend the on-site?

Whoever the client would like. Almost always, the people included are the operations/warehouse manager, the picking and shipping staff, and the Purchase Ordering and receiving staff. Often times, the CEO or owner will come to the warehouse and see what we’re up to.

Can a client request a second on-site visit?

Second visits are definitely something we can do. Often times clients are interested in having another visit to train new employees, or perhaps they may want to re-evaluate the processes we put in place.

There are rare instances where a client may feel unsatisfied with their visit, or may not have had enough time to cover everything that had been planned. In this case we can evaluate if they’d be charged for another visit.

Why we offer on-site visits

Training a client in your physical presence rather than remotely is beneficial for a number of reasons.

    • Firstly, we can get an understanding of their warehouse and practices that simply can’t be gained with just remote training. There is a surprisingly huge difference between teaching someone something with your voice and standing there showing them how you do it, then handing the tablet and scanner over and asking them to do it. It also alleviates our main contact’s need to learn the information and then teach their workers. We physically go into the warehouse, evaluate their practices, and train the workers ourselves.
    • Secondly, one of our client’s biggest pain points is hardware. Sometimes clients can’t get their scanner to connect, or their printer is using the wrong margins. These are things that can almost never be resolved remotely. Sometimes the clients need help with their data or need a conversion file built. Having an On-boarding Specialist on-site means any questions or concerns can be resolved right then and there.

Many of our clients have a unique set up that is more easily understood when you are actually there. Clients who opt for onsite accounts have a significantly lower cancel rate than those who do not.

In addition, we are able to more finely tailor the launch process to that specific client. We’ll be there, available, all day on the day of their launch should any issues arise. One of our clients’ greatest fears on their launch date is that everything will come crashing down and they will forget all their training. With an onsite package, this isn’t possible because their On-boarding Specialist who has been with them every step of the way is there to help.

Topics: SkuVault