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Shoeta Shoes Organized Inventory With SkuVault

Posted by Avery Walts on Apr 19, 2017
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Shoeta Profile

Shoeta sells brand name footwear online. We sell on several sales channels and we use channeladviser as our main platform. We also have a retail store and have been operating since 2007.

sOLUTION pARTNERS: ChannelAdvisor, ShipWorks

Market: International

Industry: Fashion, Shoes, And Accessories



Out of stocks and disorganized inventory

Areesh had used a series of Excel sheets, his employees' expertise, and ChannelAdvisor's Inventory listing to manage Shoeta's inventory for years - but with Shoeta now on multiple online marketplaces via ChannelAdvisor, Areesh realized that he needed a tool to better manage his inventory before it got too out of hand. Out of stocks were reaching such a level that they began effecting customer satisfaction and brand trust, and that was the turning point. He wanted an inventory management system that would be easy to setup and that would be simple for his employees to learn and use. Ultimately, Areesh wanted a system that would streamline his workflow process.


User-friendly interface, simplified picking process, and organized inventory on multiple channels

SkuVault streamlined Shoeta's inventory and ordering processes, simplifying their workflow and decluttering their unorganized inventory. Shoeta took advantage of SkuVault's integrations with ChannelAdvisor and ShipWorks, to further automate maintaining true available quantities, orders, and the picking process. SkuVault's user interface further simplified Shoeta's processes with its streamlined design, making it easy to use and train Shoeta's employees on. Since SkuVault is web-based on Microsoft's Cloud, no installation is required, and it can be used from any computer, tablet, or smart phone, by multiple members of Shoeta's warehouse crew.


"SkuVault provided a streamline of our inventory and ordering processes."



More efficient processes, organized inventory, reduced out of stocks.

Areesh's inventory has become more organized since utilizing SkuVault, which in turn has yielded truer available quantities on his various online marketplaces, thus improving his OOS rates and increasing customer satisfaction and brand trust. Better maintained inventory means that Areesh can better manage man hours by not having to search the entire warehouse for product - everything has its place, and can be tracked down with the click of a button. SkuVault makes life easy for Shoeta's pickers, which means reduced human error, and a more efficient eCommerce workflow process at Shoeta.


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Topics: Case Studies, SkuVault