SkuVault Blog

Tips and tricks to scale your business from the experts in eCommerce

Kim Wren

Kim Wren

Kim is the Director of Client Services at SkuVault. She has been involved in eCommerce for 20 years – and has owned companies, picked the brains of industry leaders, and seen the landscape change in that time. She relocated to Louisville to join our team, and has since been instrumental in restructuring Client Services into specialized Launch, Support, and Quality Assurance teams. Kim enjoys leveraging her industry knowledge to ensure a frictionless support experience for SkuVault clients. Find Kim Wren on LinkedIn.

Posts by Kim Wren

Why You Should Diversify Your Sales Online (and off)

Catalyst 2017

Inspiring, Exciting, and Innovating: The eBay OPEN Conference

ASD Winter - Market Week 2016: Las Vegas